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Unchanged: <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img src="" alt="" class="wp-image-70"/></figure>Unchanged: <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img src="" alt="" class="wp-image-70"/></figure>
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Unchanged: <h2>Overview</h2>Unchanged: <h2>Overview</h2>
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Unchanged: <p>Viper deploys an arsenal of chemical weapons to take control of the battlefield and impede enemy vision. Viper is a predator that specializes in poison and chemical warfare.</p>Unchanged: <p>Viper deploys an arsenal of chemical weapons to take control of the battlefield and impede enemy vision. Viper is a predator that specializes in poison and chemical warfare.</p>
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Unchanged: <div class="wp-block-group"><div class="wp-block-group__inner-container"><!-- wp:table {"className":"top-table-agent is-style-regular"} -->Unchanged: <div class="wp-block-group"><div class="wp-block-group__inner-container"><!-- wp:table {"className":"top-table-agent is-style-regular"} -->
Unchanged: <figure class="wp-block-table top-table-agent is-style-regular"><table><tbody><tr><td>Origin</td><td>USA</td></tr><tr><td>Type</td><td>Controller</td></tr><tr><td>Ultimate points</td><td>7</td></tr></tbody></table></figure>Unchanged: <figure class="wp-block-table top-table-agent is-style-regular"><table><tbody><tr><td>Origin</td><td>USA</td></tr><tr><td>Type</td><td>Controller</td></tr><tr><td>Ultimate points</td><td>7</td></tr></tbody></table></figure>
Unchanged: <!-- /wp:table --></div></div>Unchanged: <!-- /wp:table --></div></div>
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Unchanged: <!-- /wp:group --></div></div>Unchanged: <!-- /wp:group --></div></div>
Unchanged: <!-- /wp:group --></div></div>Unchanged: <!-- /wp:group --></div></div>
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Unchanged: <h2>Summary</h2>Unchanged: <h2>Summary</h2>
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Unchanged: <p>Viper deploys an arsenal of chemical weapons to take control of the battlefield and impede enemy vision. If the toxin doesn't get his prey, his mind game will. Viper is a predator that specializes in poison and chemical warfare. The champion has explosive projectiles that spill acid on the battlefield, as well as a poison gas emitter and a poison gas screen to prevent the passage.</p>Unchanged: <p>Viper deploys an arsenal of chemical weapons to take control of the battlefield and impede enemy vision. If the toxin doesn't get his prey, his mind game will. Viper is a predator that specializes in poison and chemical warfare. The champion has explosive projectiles that spill acid on the battlefield, as well as a poison gas emitter and a poison gas screen to prevent the passage.</p>
Unchanged: <!-- /wp:paragraph -->Unchanged: <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
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Unchanged: <h2>Abilities</h2>Unchanged: <h2>Abilities</h2>
Unchanged: <!-- /wp:heading -->Unchanged: <!-- /wp:heading -->
Unchanged: <!-- wp:table {"className":"is-style-stripes"} -->Unchanged: <!-- wp:table {"className":"is-style-stripes"} -->
Unchanged: <figure class="wp-block-table is-style-stripes"><table><tbody><tr><td class="has-text-align-left" data-align="left"><img class="wp-image-88" style="width: 128px;" src="" alt=""></td><td><img class="wp-image-89" style="width: 128px;" src="" alt=""></td><td><img class="wp-image-90" style="width: 128px;" src="" alt=""></td><td><img class="wp-image-93" style="width: 128px;" src="" alt=""></td></tr><tr><td class="has-text-align-left" data-align="left"><strong>Snake Bite (C)</strong><br>Equip&nbsp;a chemical launcher.<br>Fire&nbsp;to launch a canister that shatters upon hitting the floor, creating a lingering chemical zone that damages and slows enemies.</td><td><strong>Poison Cloud (Q)</strong><br>Equip&nbsp;a gas emitter. Fire&nbsp;to throw the emitter that perpetually remains throughout the round. Re-use&nbsp;the ability to create a toxic gas cloud at the cost of fuel. This ability can be&nbsp;re-used&nbsp;more than once and can be picked up to be&nbsp;redeployed.</td><td><strong>Toxic Screen (E)</strong><br>Equip&nbsp;a gas emitter launcher.<br>Fire&nbsp;to deploy a long line of gas emitters.<br>Re-use&nbsp;the ability to create a tall wall of toxic gas at the cost of fuel. This ability can be&nbsp;re-used&nbsp;more than once.</td><td><strong>Viper's Pit (X)</strong><br>Equip&nbsp;a chemical sprayer.<br>Fire&nbsp;to spray a chemical cloud in all directions arond&nbsp;<em>Viper</em>, creating a large cloud that reduces the vision range and maximum health of players inside of it.</td></tr></tbody></table></figure>Unchanged: <figure class="wp-block-table is-style-stripes"><table><tbody><tr><td class="has-text-align-left" data-align="left"><img class="wp-image-88" style="width: 128px;" src="" alt=""></td><td><img class="wp-image-89" style="width: 128px;" src="" alt=""></td><td><img class="wp-image-90" style="width: 128px;" src="" alt=""></td><td><img class="wp-image-93" style="width: 128px;" src="" alt=""></td></tr><tr><td class="has-text-align-left" data-align="left"><strong>Snake Bite (C)</strong><br>Equip&nbsp;a chemical launcher.<br>Fire&nbsp;to launch a canister that shatters upon hitting the floor, creating a lingering chemical zone that damages and slows enemies.</td><td><strong>Poison Cloud (Q)</strong><br>Equip&nbsp;a gas emitter. Fire&nbsp;to throw the emitter that perpetually remains throughout the round. Re-use&nbsp;the ability to create a toxic gas cloud at the cost of fuel. This ability can be&nbsp;re-used&nbsp;more than once and can be picked up to be&nbsp;redeployed.</td><td><strong>Toxic Screen (E)</strong><br>Equip&nbsp;a gas emitter launcher.<br>Fire&nbsp;to deploy a long line of gas emitters.<br>Re-use&nbsp;the ability to create a tall wall of toxic gas at the cost of fuel. This ability can be&nbsp;re-used&nbsp;more than once.</td><td><strong>Viper's Pit (X)</strong><br>Equip&nbsp;a chemical sprayer.<br>Fire&nbsp;to spray a chemical cloud in all directions arond&nbsp;<em>Viper</em>, creating a large cloud that reduces the vision range and maximum health of players inside of it.</td></tr></tbody></table></figure>
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Unchanged: <h2>Lore - Story</h2>Unchanged: <h2>Lore - Story</h2>
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Unchanged: <pre class="wp-block-preformatted">this section is not completed yet, you want to <a href="#helpie-page-controls">write the rest</a>?</pre>Unchanged: <pre class="wp-block-preformatted">this section is not completed yet, you want to <a href="#helpie-page-controls">write the rest</a>?</pre>
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Unchanged: <h2>Gallery</h2>Unchanged: <h2>Gallery</h2>
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Deleted: <figure class="wp-block-gallery columns-0 is-cropped"><ul class="blocks-gallery-grid"></ul></figure>Added: <!-- wp:gallery {"ids":[188,189]} -->
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